Manuscripts submitted to the International Journal of Health Research are initially reviewed by the Editor-in-Chief who determines whether the manuscript meets the
requirements of the journal and is worth sending out for thorough
review. If so, it is then assigned to three reviewers
(using the Journal Manager software),
who may include any member of the Editorial Board and/or other experts in
relevant fields, as selected by the Editor-in-Chief for review in a double blind process. This
peer review process is designed to assure that
International Journal of Health Research
only original, accurate, and timely articles and essays that contribute
to knowledge in the Health discipline.
Reviewers are asked to assess submissions based on depth of
original research, accuracy, appropriate documentation, readability, and
suitability of content. Questions addressed include:
Is the subject within the scope of the journal?
Is the rationale for this
work well stated?
Are the objectives clearly
Were sound methods used?
Are assumptions described
and their reasonableness supported or rejected?
Are limitations and
uncertainties in the data and analyses given?
Were alternative
hypotheses and interpretations adequately considered?
Are the results presented
in an objective, unbiased fashion?
Were the objectives of the
study met?
Are the conclusions
supported by the data?
Is the organization of the
article logic?
Is the writing clear,
concise and precise?
Reviewers make one of four recommendations: acceptance,
provisional acceptance with revision, provisional non-acceptance, or
rejection. Reviewers are asked to include comments explaining the
recommendation. Approximately 50 percent of submitted manuscripts are
accepted for publication.
Authors should expect to know the results of
the manuscript peer review within two to four weeks or shorter period from the date of
submission. Authors receive the reviewers’ comments and may often be asked
to revise their manuscripts in line with the reviewers’ and/or editor’s
suggestions. If the revised article is accepted for publication, the
editor then determines the journal issue in which it will appear.
Accepted articles frequently appears in the next issue of the journal
or within three months.